Are you an ExChristian?


Are you so confused

about so many things in life

that you can’t tell

fact from fiction,

what’s true from what isn’t?


Have you been approached

by a Christian predator,

trying to recruit you

into their morally corrupt

and deviant lifestyle,

while douching you

for every dime you’ve got?


Do you think

it is a personal virtue

to hold strong

and unshakable beliefs

with no evidence

to support those beliefs?


Do you regularly profess

your ‘love’ for creatures

or entities that are invisible to you,

or who exist in a separate,

non-material realm?



Call Goldwater and Cruze



Religious fraud is the second biggest industry in the United States of America.

Every year it sucks hundreds of billions of dollars from weak, innocent, unsuspecting Americans of all ages.

Call Goldwater and Cruze.

No matter the denomination, no matter the con, we’ll drag them into court.

We’ll demand the facts.

We’ll expose their nonsense.

We’ll hold them accountable and we – will – make – them – pay.

S1:E1 Drop: Goldwater and Cruze Allege Fraud

The next day, Monday, Goldwater and Cruze filed suit in California to initiate a Class Action against Susan Nicole “Suzze” Osmond [née Gilmore], the estate of Joel Richard Osmond, and Camels in a Haystack Incorporated aka “Prosperity Cathedral” in the amount of $450,000,000.00, alleging fraud, deception and misappropriation of funds, on behalf of yet-to-be-named defendants.

S1:E3 Goldwater and Cruze: #TheFortneyCase

With the class action filing against Prosperity Cathedral, et al., Goldwater and Cruze were once again in the news. Goldwater and Cruze, LLC had risen to prominence a few months earlier as a result of the Fortney case.

Gregory and Jillian Fortney were both doctoral candidates doing research in linguistics. When they were blessed with twins, a boy and a girl who they named Drake and Ashley, they decided to test their theories that words were merely symbols with no evolutionary significance. They did this by teaching the twins words that were opposite from their accepted meanings, right was left, up was down, black was white and so on. To control the experiment, they homeschooled the twins and created computer programs to teach them their new language. The twins developed normally and were claimed to have exceptionally high IQ’s (The parents adapted the tests to reflect the differences in vocabulary)

All was well until the Fortneys decided it was time to integrate the children into society at the age of ten. After a few weeks in public school, Drake stabbed his teacher in the eye with a fork, inflicting permanent but not fatal brain damage. The same day, Ashley ran in front of a car and was killed. It was not determined if this was suicide on her part or if she naturally but mistakenly looked in the wrong direction before crossing the road.

For their defense, The Fortneys argued that they were merely teaching their children a new way of thinking, which they, as parents, had every right to do.

Public opinion and massive news coverage was so strongly against them that they were convicted of criminal child abuse, which the press dubbed “brainwashing.” Both were sentenced to life plus terms, appropriate since they were obviously “monsters,” a case, once again, of science gone horribly wrong.

Referencing the prior research of Zimbalist and Taylor which defined brainwashing as "the process by which individual or collective freedom of choice and action is compromised by agents or agencies that modify or distort perception, motivation, affect, cognition and/or behavioral outcomes in an effort to bring about religious complacency or conversion,” Emilio Cruze saw an opportunity, now that there was a precedent for brainwashing as a crime, or at least as an actionable civil offense, and proceeded to go after what he and Leonard Goldwater called “the biggest brainwashers on earth,” religion, initially soliciting disgruntled former members of mid-sized, independent churches who were without the resources to mount a defense, and who found it better to settle than proceed to court -- as they staffed up for the grand prize.

With their lead, it was game on, the mere fact that Goldwater & Cruze were suing, and getting copious news coverage being the impetus of more suits, each adding to the credibility of the other in a self-perpetuating, self-fulfilling cycle.

Everyone from established firms to store-front ambulance chasers switched from years of social security disability and Mesothelioma claims to the Big Kahuna himself, or at least to his negligent lieutenants, pastors, preachers, nuns and priests, as well as family members, well intentioned or not.



Have you or your children been approached by a Christian, at work, at home, in the park or a shopping mall, trying to recruit you into their morally corrupt and deviant lifestyle?

Were you overwhelmed with promises of happiness, health or financial independence?

Did you give them money, only to see those claims and offers fail to materialize?

You may be eligible for damages, for medical expenses, psychiatric evaluation and family counseling to help you and your loved ones recover.

Currently, there is no cure for Christianity.

But there is help.

Contact the Law offices of Goldwater and Cruze today.
It's time to make them pay.



[Leonard Goldwater stands with chest out and arms crossed in mock defiance. Images of street preachers shaking bibles, women in prairie dresses and bonnets, zombie children on street corners screaming hell and damnation, fists knocking on doors, fingers ringing doorbells, and money changing hands -- flash behind him.]


Are your parents, your children or your loved ones being recruited by religious predators plotting to entice them into their morally corrupt and deviant lifestyle?

Are Scientologists after their money?

Are Jehovah’s Witnesses banging down their door?

Are Scientologists after their money?

Are Pastor Steve, Doonsie Swaggart, Bubba Graham and all the other salvation peddlers douching them for every dime they’ve got?

[Goldwater looks into the camera, eye to eye]


Do you want to protect your loved ones?

Are you ready to stop the exploitation, the lies, and the deceit?

[Now with authority]


Religious fraud is the second largest industry in the United States. Every year it sucks tens of billions of dollars from weak, innocent, unsuspecting Americans of all ages.

Call Goldwater and Cruze.

No matter the denomination, no matter the con, we’ll drag them into court. We’ll demand the facts. We’ll expose the nonsense they’re selling. We’ll hold them accountable and

[Word by word emphasis]

we – will – make – them – pay.

So, if you or a loved one has been scammed by a religious predator, call the law offices of Goldwater and Cruze or visit us at

Make – them – pay.



Taking their marketing strategy to the next level, Goldwater and Cruze segmented what was becoming known as the Dis-Xy demographic (disenfranchised exceptional youth) with a message that encompassed all three major religions in the United States.

Billboards were copy-tested in selected markets and targeted high-education, low-income males 18-34, who were deemed to be the most aggressive of their cohort and most inventive in their ability to bilk the system.

The copy on the billboards read: Have You Been Sexually Mutilated by a Christian, a Muslim, or a Jew?

Beneath that was an 800 number and the web address,

Two images had been tested.

The first was a cucumber with the end cut off.

The second was the same shot of the sliced cucumber, but with a Wüsthof paring knife in frame.

The image with the knife tested 88% more effective than the image of the cucumber alone, a clear winner and the shot they ran with.

Jewish pediatricians were initially targeted, with a seemingly unlimited supply of “non-practicing” unemployed former Jewish men eager to cash in.

The response rate was wholly unanticipated, and compelled Goldwater and Cruze to add 47 more attorneys in offices throughout the United States.



[Leonard Goldwater stands, dark suit, arms crossed, against a seamless white background. His expression is somber. The camera cuts to a head and shoulders shot. He stares into the camera with certainty and speaks, pausing for emphasis between each phrase.]


It’s over.

He’s not coming back.

He never was … and recent developments at the Vatican prove it once and for all.

[Goldwater strikes a pensive mood, hand on chin, thinking]


Maybe it’s time you told them something.

Maybe it’s time you told them you want your money back.

Not just the swindlers in Rome, not just the nuns and priests and pedophiles and debauchers of the Catholic church – but all of them.

All the Baptists and the Presbyterians and the Methodists and the holy rollers and the whole disgusting bunch.

[Goldwater wags his finger to assert his point]


Remember, they came to you.

They got you hooked.

They took your money and promised you Jesus in – the – flesh.

[Goldwater nods his head in agreement with himself]


Well fraud is still fraud.

And victims have rights.

[Goldwater points directly into the camera]


So stop what you’re doing – right now – and call your preacher and tell him you want your money back. All of it.

Then call the law offices of Goldwater and Cruze.

[Goldwater gives a self-assured nod]


Goldwater and Cruze. Cause he’s not coming back.



[Leonard Goldwater sits casually in a white chair, on set, with coffee table, flowers, etc. in front of a green screen. Stock images of men and women in mental distress, eyes closed, lips pursed, fingertips massaging temples, head in hands, etc., fade in and out behind him. Words such as Jesus?, Truth?, Sin?, Salvation?, etc. flash over the images.]

[3-count of silent reflection before Goldwater speaks]


Are you so confused about so many things in life that you can’t tell fact from fiction, what’s true from what isn’t?

Did you do poorly in school, especially in math and science because your mind was filled with ridiculous Judeo-Christian mythology that contradicted everything you were being taught?

Are you convinced that some things are simply right or wrong, or true and virtuous without having any objective evidence or reason for believing so?

Do you think it is a personal virtue to hold strong and unshakable beliefs with no evidence to support those beliefs?

In general, do you hold the same beliefs held by your parents, even when scientific evidence demonstrates otherwise?

Are you entranced by another person or persons who profess to know more than you about metaphysical phenomena, including paths to love and fulfillment? Do you send those people money?

Do you regularly profess your ‘love’ for creatures or entities that are invisible to you, or who exist in a separate, non-material realm?

The list goes on.

But if you answered ‘Yes’ to one or more of these questions, you may be a Faith Sufferer.

[CG images of the brain with appropriate areas highlighted, etc.]

Religion is a disease.

It is a virus of the mind.

It hijacks and stimulates the same areas of the brain as pornography or heroin.

[Goldwater is stern and solemn]

And once hooked, it can be hell to escape.

Some people say, Once a Christian, Always a Christian, there's no escape.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

You can be real again. You can be who you were meant to be.

But you can’t do it alone.

At Goldwater and Cruze, we have counselors and therapists standing by to make you the person you were meant to be, free of doubt, free of guilt, free of the superstition you were infected with as a child.

So join us, won’t you?

Call the number on your screen now or visit to learn more.

[Graphic with phone number, web address, may or may not be covered by insurance, compliance disclaimers, etc.]




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